“Talk about hell on earth…”
Sekhmet’s life was pretty good; you know for a goddess. Her job was simple – kill those that sought to go against the creator. It was a job she was good at but unfortunately got a little too carried away with when she almost single handedly wiped out mankind. For her penance she has spent the last thousand years serving as one of the Guardians; a group of immortals that protect mankind and led by the Goddess Isis – who kind of had her own anger issues.
The Azura, a league of immortal bad asses, are literally trying to bring hell on earth and with it, Set – the banished God and ruler of the Makhaut. For the first time in history and with the help of the Makhaut, they may actually pull it off. Even the Guardians are at a loss.
In the Hail Mary of all attempts to save the world Isis, now going by Isira, sends Sekhmet to New Orleans, to find and protect the “Key” but when it is determined that a traitor lies among the Guardians, Sekhmet, now going by the name of Syn, is forced to seek help in the most unlikely of places…her least favorite person and fellow Guardian…Malachi.
What’s a former Goddess to do?
Oh yeah, kick butt and take names.
viata lui Sekhmet a fost destul de buna;pentru o zeita.Slujba ei a fost simpla - ucide pe cei care cauta sa mearga impotriva Creatorului.A fost un loc de munca la care era buna,dar, din pacate a fost un pic prea ingrijorata atunci cand ea singura aproape a distrus omenirea.
Pentru pocainta ei ea a petrecut ultimii o mie de ani servind unul dintre Gardieni; un grup de nemuritori care protejeaza omenirea si condus de zeita Isis - care a avut un fel de probleme cu propria furie.
Azura , o liga de magari nemuritori , care pur si simplu incearca sa aduca iadul pe Pamant.Set - Dumnezeu alungat si conducator al Makhaut.
Pentru prima data in istorie si, cu ajutorul lui Makhaut,ei pot inchide asta.Chiat si Gardienii sunt la o pierdere.
Isis o trimite pe Sekhmet in New Orleans pentru a gasi si a proteja "cheia" , dar atunci cand se afla ca un tradatori se afla printre Gardieni , Sekmet se da drept Syn si este acum fortat sa caute ajutor in cele mai putin probabile locuri... ultima ei persoana favorita si un coleg Gardian ... Maleahi
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